23 de maio de 2007

just want to be...

I saw a flag wave
in the heavens over me
I saw the virgin
and for a moment I believed
You said you'd save me
But I don't want to be saved
I just want to be loved and to love always

I felt my lips move
But the words they were not mine
I heard you crying
and for a moment I could see
You said you'd save me
but I don't want to be saved
I just want to be loved and to love always

And it's OK,
I know what's confusing me
I know what I want to see
And I know where I want to be
And an angel was flying next to me

No hesitation
For a moment I was free
You said you'd save me
But I don't want to be saved
I just want to be loved and to love always
I just want to be loved and to love always

Always | Shea Seger

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

Dai que fui abrir o www.bussolaescolar.com.br para traduzir um pedaço dessa letra para eu poder comentar e num é que abriu uma outra janela (pop-up) gritando a seguinte frase:
Medo amigo eu juro...tenta vc entrar no bussola........
Seria um sinal do céu?